Weather and Flooding Update from Flood Co-ordinator
Drizzle and light rain has contributed approximately 6mm of rainfall overnight on to saturated ground.
The forecast is for drizzle then heavy rain 11.45am to 3.30pm, with drizzle until 5.30pm.
Monitoring Information 8.00am, 07.12.23
Chiselborough – Current level 1.68m rising. Likely to be in Flood soon with a Flood Alert being issued. Floods at 1.8m. Take care surface water is likely to be on the A356 Martock to Crewkerne road.
Gawbridge – Current Level 1.61m, rising. Floods at 2.80m. It is likely that Flooding will occur later today on Hawthorn Hill, at the Kingsbury Rhyne culvert, and surface water on Coat Road and Broadmead.
Long Load – Current level 9.17m, falling. Floods at 9.26m, surface water possible either side of the road bridge
Witcombe Bottom – Current level 10.03 Steady, Floods at 8.44m
Ilchester – Current level 0.98m rising. Floods at 2.90m
Martock to South Petherton Road – OPEN, with surface water, care required
Stoke Road, Martock – OPEN with surface water and abandoned vehicles causing some obstructions, care required
Coat Road, Coat – Some surface water passable with care
Sparrows Corner, B3165, Bower Hinton – OPEN
Foldhill Lane, 500 metres from A303 – Surface water care required